Group species names occurring in reference points
Convenience function to group species into fish, aquatic invertebrates, aquatic primary producers, birds, mammals, bees, earthworms, arthropods and plants. The entries 'Unspecified' and 'not reported' are translated to NA.
oft$reference_points |>
dplyr::filter(Substance == "Thiacloprid") |>
mutate(Species_group = oft_group_species(Species)) |>
select(Substance, Species, Species_group, Endpoint, qualifier, value, unit, Effect)
#> # A tibble: 26 × 8
#> Substance Species Species_group Endpoint qualifier value unit Effect
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Thiacloprid Canary birds NOAEL = 15 mg/k… morta…
#> 2 Thiacloprid Rat mammals LD50 = 177 mg/k… morta…
#> 3 Thiacloprid Canary birds LD50 = 3.5 mg/k… not r…
#> 4 Thiacloprid Rat mammals NOAEL = 3.3 mg/k… repro…
#> 5 Thiacloprid Aphidius r… arthropods ER50 > 0.95 g/ha morta…
#> 6 Thiacloprid Honey bee bees LD50 = 38.8 µg/p… morta…
#> 7 Thiacloprid Honey bee bees LD50 = 17.3 µg/p… morta…
#> 8 Thiacloprid Tiger worm soil_macroor… LC50 = 105 mg/kg morta…
#> 9 Thiacloprid Typhlodrom… arthropods LR50 = 0.331 g/ha morta…
#> 10 Thiacloprid Red tiger … soil_macroor… EC10 = 0.04 mg/kg repro…
#> # ℹ 16 more rows