Update srppp_list and the derived data objects using srppp version 1.1.0. This adds a culture_tree attribute to each srppp_dm object in the list. Also, duplicate ingredient specificiations in the same product are now removed.
A new table srppp_compositions was added, with only one composition for each P-Number, as opposed to srppp_ingredients, where all unique compositions are listed.
The functions pNbr and composition were added, making it trivial to find P-Numbers from product names and compositions from P-Numbers.
version 1.0.0
Update srppp_list and the derived data objects using srppp version 1.0.1, storing risk mitigation measures as integers instead of character, adding reference to parent cultures to the culture table, and trimming leading and trailing whitespace from descriptions
Add the convenience function product_categories(), concatenating the product categories for a specific P-Number and a specific year
Add the concatenated product categories to srppp_products, taken from the latest year that a product is contained in
version 0.99.2
Use srppp version 0.99.2 to read in the historic data. Thus, product information is now tied to the P-Number, as it turned out that sales permissions (W-Numbers with dashes) always had identical product sections with the exception of the permission holder.
Add the earliest year of appearance in the product list srppp_products, and the earliest and latest year for srppp_substances and srppp_active_substances.
version 0.3.4
Add translations of obligations for the protection of the environment (SPe 3) into codes for risk mitigation measures (distance to surface waters and biotopes, drift reduction and runoff reduction points)
Rename the package from ‘psmvhist’ to ‘srppphist’ and update the data using version 0.3.4 of the ‘srppp’ package.
For 2011, we now use the XML file from 31 October instead of 18 October. For 2020, we now use the XML file from 20 January instead of 16 January, as some corrections were made in these later files.
Add a table with all substances from all years ‘srppp_substances’, a table of products from all years ‘srppp_products’, and a table of active ingredient contents ‘srppp_ingredients’.
Version 0.3.3
The ‘psmv_list’ object was updated using psmv version 0.3.3, in the hope that only redundant information was removed from the ingredients table.