Retrieve one or more product compositions
composition(pNbrs, lang = c("de", "fr", "it"))
pNbr("Karate", select = FALSE) |>
#> # A tibble: 7 × 7
#> pNbr name pk substance_de percent g_per_L ingredient_de
#> <int> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 3756 Karate 1187 Lambda-Cyha… 5.5 50 NA
#> 2 3756 Karate 1685 Lösungsmitt… NA NA NA
#> 3 7051 Karate Zeon 1187 Lambda-Cyha… 9.43 100 NA
#> 4 7051 Karate Zeon 1689 1,2-Benziso… NA NA NA
#> 5 7051 Karate with Zeon Techn… 1187 Lambda-Cyha… 9.43 100 NA
#> 6 7051 Karate with Zeon Techn… 1689 1,2-Benziso… NA NA NA
#> 7 7948 Karate WG 1187 Lambda-Cyha… 5.5 NA NA