Statistics on products containing microorganisms in the latest XML dump of the SRPPP
Johannes Ranke
Last change 25 July 2024 (rebuilt 2025-02-20)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE, cache = FALSE)
options(knitr.kable.NA = '')
srppp <- srppp_dm(srppp_xml_url)
Products in microorganism categories
The following list was used to identify product categories containing microorganisms.
category_de | n |
Akarizid | 63 |
Bakterizid | 25 |
Desinfektionsmittel | 3 |
Fungizid | 270 |
Herbizid | 333 |
Insektizid | 137 |
Insektizid (Insektenlockstoff, Pheromon) | 30 |
Insektizid (Seifenpräparat) | 7 |
Lebende Organismen (Bakterien) | 2 |
Lebende Organismen (Insekten) | 114 |
Lebende Organismen (Insektenviren) | 11 |
Lebende Organismen (Milben) | 31 |
Lebende Organismen (Nematoden) | 24 |
Lebende Organismen (Pilze) | 12 |
Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) | 7 |
Molluskizid | 31 |
Nematizid | 2 |
Netz- und Haftmittel | 36 |
Phytoregulator | 71 |
Rodentizid | 8 |
Saatbeizmittel | 27 |
Stimulator der natürlichen Abwehrkräfte | 5 |
Virizid | 1 |
Vorratsschutzmittel | 19 |
Wildabhaltemittel | 4 |
Wundverschlussmittel | 1 |
The resulting product categories containing microorganisms were defined as follows:
microorganism_categories = c(
"Lebende Organismen (Bakterien)",
"Lebende Organismen (Pilze)",
"Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze)")
kable(data.frame(Category = microorganism_categories))
Category |
Lebende Organismen (Bakterien) |
Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
The corresponding products are shown below.
products_in_microorganism_categories <- srppp$products |>
filter(!isSalePermission) |>
left_join(srppp$categories, by = "pNbr") |>
filter(category_de %in% microorganism_categories) |>
select(pNbr, wNbr, name, category_de) |>
n_in_categories <- nrow(products_in_microorganism_categories)
pNbr | wNbr | name | category_de |
4594 | 4574 | Beauveria-Schweizer | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
7650 | 6423 | Metarhizium Schweizer | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
8025 | 6919 | Botector | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8029 | 6881 | BioAct WG | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
8119 | 6872 | Prestop | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8258 | 7151 | Amylo-X | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8309 | 6847 | Lalstop K61 WP | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8374 | 6912 | Deposan | Lebende Organismen (Bakterien) |
8926 | 7580 | Wormox | Lebende Organismen (Bakterien) |
8946 | 7504 | Taegro | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
9014 | 7259 | AQ 10 | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9049 | 7316 | Naturalis-L | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9052 | 7324 | Rotstop | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
9173 | 7378 | Beauveria-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9174 | 7379 | Metarhizium-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9384 | 7528 | Beauveria FL-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9385 | 7529 | Metarhizium FL-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9389 | 7477 | Melocont GR | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9390 | 7478 | GranMet GR | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9479 | 7498 | Lalstop Contans WG | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
9481 | 7500 | Lalguard M52 GR | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
Insecticides and fungicides containing microorganisms
The following lists of active substances in insecticides and fungicides were used to establish filter criteria active substances that are microorganisms.
srppp$products |>
filter(!isSalePermission) |>
left_join(srppp$categories, by = "pNbr") |>
filter(category_de == "Insektizid") |>
left_join(srppp$ingredients, by = "pNbr", relationship = "many-to-many") |>
left_join(srppp$substances, by = "pk") |>
select(substance_de) |>
unique() |>
arrange(substance_de) |>
substance_de |
1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-on |
3,6-Dimethyl-4-octin-3,6-diol |
Abamectin |
Acetamiprid |
Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated |
Anastatus bifasciatus |
Azadirachtin A |
Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai |
Bacillus thuringiensis var. israeliensis |
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki |
Bacillus thuringiensis var. tenebrionis |
Beauveria brongniartii |
Benzolsulfonsäure |
Benzolsulfonsäure, Mono-C11-13-verzweigte Alkylderivate, Calciumsalze |
Buprofezin |
C14-C16-Alkanehydroxysulfonic acids sodium salts |
Calcium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate |
Calciumcarbonat |
Chlorantraniliprol |
Cypermethrin |
Deltamethrin |
Emamectinbenzoat |
Etofenprox |
Eupeodes corollae |
Fettsäuren |
Flonicamid |
Gamma Butyrolacton |
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora |
Heterorhabditis downesi |
Hydrocarbons, C10-C13, aromatics, <1% naphthalene |
Kaliumhydrogencarbonat |
Kaolin |
Lambda-Cyhalothrin |
Lösungsmittelnaphtha (Erdöl), leichte aromatische |
Maltodextrin |
Metarhizium anisopliae |
Oleylamin ethoxyliert, Dodecylbenzensulfonsalz |
Orangenöl |
Paraffinöl |
Piperonyl butoxid |
Pirimicarb |
Pyrethrine |
Quassiaextrakt |
Rapsöl |
Sesamöl raffiniert |
Solvent Naphtha |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom.; Kerosine - unspecified |
Sphaerophoria rueppellii |
Spinetoram |
Spinosad |
Spirotetramat |
Steinernema carpocapsae |
Steinernema carpocapsae all strain |
Steinernema feltiae |
Sulfurylfluorid |
Tebufenozide |
Tefluthrin |
Tetrahydrofurfuryl-Alkohol |
Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko |
Trichogramma cacoeciae |
Trichogramma evanescens |
Weisses Mineralöl (Petroleum) |
Xenorhabdus bovienii |
Xylol |
alcohols, (c12-14), ethoxylated, monoethers with sulfuric acid, sodium salts |
alcohols, c11-15-secondary, ethoxylated |
srppp$products |>
filter(!isSalePermission) |>
left_join(srppp$categories, by = "pNbr") |>
filter(category_de == "Fungizid") |>
left_join(srppp$ingredients, by = "pNbr", relationship = "many-to-many") |>
left_join(srppp$substances, by = "pk") |>
select(substance_de) |>
unique() |>
arrange(substance_de) |>
substance_de |
(Z)-9-Octadecen-1-ol ethoxylated |
1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-on |
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one; 1,2-benzisothiazolin-1 3-one |
1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one; 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one |
1-Butanol |
1-Octyl-2-pyrrolidon |
2,2’,2’’-(hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine-1,3,5-triyl)triethanol / 1,3,5-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine |
2-Ethylhexyl-S-Lactat |
2-Ethylhexyllaktat |
2-Methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-on |
2-methylaminoethanol |
Alcohols C9-11, ethoxylated propoxylated |
Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated |
Alcohols, C9-11, ethoxylated |
Aluminiumfosetyl (Fosetyl-Al) |
Ametoctradin |
Amisulbrom |
Ampelomyces quisqualis |
Anethol (1-methoxyl-(1-Propenyl) benzen) |
Aureobasidium pullulans |
Azoxystrobin |
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens |
Benalaxyl-M |
Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl |
Benzolsulfonsäure |
Benzolsulfonsäure, 4-C10-13-sec-Alkylderivate |
Benzovindiflupyr |
Benzylalkohol |
Bixafen |
Boscalid |
Bupirimate |
C14-C16-Alkanehydroxysulfonic acids sodium salts |
Calcium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate |
Captan |
Cyazofamid |
Cyflufenamid |
Cymoxanil |
Cyprodinil |
Dazomet (DMTT) |
Decanamide, N, N- dimethyl |
Destillate (Erdöl) |
Difenoconazol |
Dimethomorph |
Dinatriumphosphonat |
Dipenten; Limonen |
Disodium maleate |
Dithianon |
Docusatnatrium |
Dodecylbenzolsulfonsäure, Verbindung mit 2-Aminoethanol (1:1) |
Dodine |
Estragol |
Ethylenediamine, ethoxylated and propoxylated |
Fenhexamid |
Fenpropidin |
Fenpyrazamin |
Fluazinam |
Fludioxonil |
Fluopicolide |
Fluopyram |
Fluoxastrobin |
Flutolanil |
Fluxapyroxad |
Folpet |
Fosetyl |
Gemisch aus: 2-Ethylhexyl-mono-D-glucopyranosid und 2-Ethylhexyl-di-D-glucopyranosid |
Imazalil |
Iprovalicarb |
Kaliumhydrogencarbonat |
Kaliumphosphonat |
Kresoxim-methyl |
Kupfer (als Hydroxid) |
Kupfer (als Kalkpräparat, Bordeaux-Brühe) |
Kupfer (als Octanoat) |
Kupfer (als Oxychlorid) |
Kupfer (als Tribasisches Kupfersulfat) |
Lösungsmittelnaphtha (Erdöl), leichte aromatische |
Mandipropamid |
Mefentrifluconazole |
Mepanipyrim |
Mepiquatchlorid |
Metalaxyl-M |
Metconazole |
Methenamin; Hexamethylenetetramin |
Metiram |
Metrafenone |
N,N-Dimethyloctanamide |
Naphtalin |
Naphtha (Erdoel), schwere Alkylat- [Enthält weniger als 0.1 % Benzol] |
Naphthalenesulfonic acid, methyl-, polymer with formaldehyde, sodium salt |
Natrium-di-butyl-naphtalinsulfonat |
Natriumdiisopropylnaphtalinsulfonat |
Natriumhydroxid |
Oleum foeniculi |
Orangenöl |
Paclobutrazol |
Penconazole |
Pentanol, verzweigt und linear |
Penthiopyrad |
Phlebia gigantea |
Pin-2(3)-en |
Propamocarb |
Propyllaktat |
Proquinazid |
Prothioconazole |
Pseudomonas sp. Stamm DSMZ 13134 |
Pyraclostrobin |
Pyrimethanil |
Pyriofenon |
Quarz |
Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Schachtelhalmextrakt |
Schwefel |
Schwefelkalk (Calciumpolysulfid) |
Schwefelsaure Tonerde |
Solvent Naphtha |
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom.; Kerosine - unspecified |
Spiroxamine |
Tebuconazole |
Tetranatriumpyrophosphat |
Thiabendazole |
Trifloxystrobin |
Valifenalate |
Zoxamid |
alcohols, (c12-14), ethoxylated, monoethers with sulfuric acid, sodium salts |
alcohols, c11-15-secondary, ethoxylated |
linalyl alcohol |
pentanoic acid, 5-(dimethylamino)-2-methyl-5-oxo-, methyl ester |
poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),alphaisotridecyl-omegahydroxy |
polyoxyethylene trimethyldecyl alcohol |
The following genus names were established as filtering criteria.
microorganism_genus_names <- c(
kable(data.frame("Genus names" = microorganism_genus_names, check.names = FALSE))
Genus names |
Bacillus |
Beauveria |
Metarhizium |
Xenorhabdus |
Phlebia |
Pseudomonas |
This results in the following list of active ingredients.
microorganism_regexp <- paste(microorganism_genus_names, collapse = "|")
microorganism_ingredients <- srppp$substances |>
filter(grepl(microorganism_regexp, substance_de)) |>
select(pk, substance_de)
pk | substance_de |
849 | Beauveria brongniartii |
935 | Bacillus thuringiensis var. israeliensis |
937 | Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai |
939 | Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki |
960 | Metarhizium anisopliae |
970 | Bacillus thuringiensis var. tenebrionis |
972 | Beauveria bassiana |
984 | Phlebia gigantea |
1369 | Pseudomonas chlororaphis |
1442 | Xenorhabdus bovienii |
1584 | Pseudomonas sp. Stamm DSMZ 13134 |
1748 | Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ssp. plantarum |
1939 | Bacillus amyloliquefaciens |
The following products contain one of these active ingredients.
additional_products_containing_microorganisms <- srppp$products |>
filter(!isSalePermission) |>
left_join(srppp$ingredients, by = "pNbr", relationship = "many-to-many") |>
filter(pk %in% microorganism_ingredients$pk) |>
select(-pk) |>
left_join(srppp$categories, by = "pNbr") |>
select(pNbr, wNbr, name, category_de) |>
n_additional <- nrow(additional_products_containing_microorganisms)
pNbr | wNbr | name | category_de |
4594 | 4574 | Beauveria-Schweizer | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
6415 | 5277 | Traunem | Lebende Organismen (Nematoden) |
6415 | 5277 | Traunem | Insektizid |
6427 | 5386 | Entonem | Lebende Organismen (Nematoden) |
6861 | 5745 | Solbac-Tabs | Insektizid |
6862 | 5744 | Solbac | Insektizid |
7023 | 5925 | Novodor 3 FC | Insektizid |
7088 | 5978 | Nemaplus | Lebende Organismen (Nematoden) |
7241 | 6081 | Novodor 3 % FC | Insektizid |
7496 | 6449 | Cerall | Saatbeizmittel |
7498 | 6486 | Cedomon | Saatbeizmittel |
7650 | 6423 | Metarhizium Schweizer | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
7766 | 6882 | Agree WP | Insektizid |
7773 | 6472 | FZB 24 flüssig | Phytoregulator |
7773 | 6472 | FZB 24 flüssig | Fungizid |
7870 | 6552 | Delfin | Insektizid |
8007 | 6888 | XenTari WG | Insektizid |
8040 | 6777 | Dipel DF | Insektizid |
8258 | 7151 | Amylo-X | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8296 | 6835 | Dipel DF | Insektizid |
8374 | 6912 | Deposan | Lebende Organismen (Bakterien) |
8374 | 6912 | Deposan | Fungizid |
8457 | 6929 | Proradix | Saatbeizmittel |
8519 | 6966 | XenTari WG | Insektizid |
8596 | 7253 | Serenade ASO | Bakterizid |
8596 | 7253 | Serenade ASO | Fungizid |
8926 | 7580 | Wormox | Lebende Organismen (Bakterien) |
8926 | 7580 | Wormox | Insektizid |
8946 | 7504 | Taegro | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8946 | 7504 | Taegro | Fungizid |
9019 | 7272 | Bio Buxus | Insektizid |
9020 | 7273 | Bio Raupen Stopp | Insektizid |
9049 | 7316 | Naturalis-L | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9052 | 7324 | Rotstop | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
9052 | 7324 | Rotstop | Fungizid |
9139 | 7574 | Capirel | Lebende Organismen (Nematoden) |
9173 | 7378 | Beauveria-Maschinenring | Insektizid |
9173 | 7378 | Beauveria-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9174 | 7379 | Metarhizium-Maschinenring | Insektizid |
9174 | 7379 | Metarhizium-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9384 | 7528 | Beauveria FL-Maschinenring | Insektizid |
9384 | 7528 | Beauveria FL-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9385 | 7529 | Metarhizium FL-Maschinenring | Insektizid |
9385 | 7529 | Metarhizium FL-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9389 | 7477 | Melocont GR | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9390 | 7478 | GranMet GR | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9481 | 7500 | Lalguard M52 GR | Insektizid |
9481 | 7500 | Lalguard M52 GR | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
In summary, out of 1739 products, there are 21 in the microorganism categories as shown above, and 48 products in the insecticide and fungicide categories which contain an active substance that has a name that contains one of the microorganism genus names listed above.
products_containing_microorganisms <- rbind(
additional_products_containing_microorganisms) |>
arrange(pNbr, category_de) |>
n_unique <- length(unique(products_containing_microorganisms$pNbr))
The consolidated list of the 42 unique products identified in this way is shown below. Some of these products are listed twice, because they were identified via both ways.
pNbr | wNbr | name | category_de |
4594 | 4574 | Beauveria-Schweizer | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
6415 | 5277 | Traunem | Insektizid |
6415 | 5277 | Traunem | Lebende Organismen (Nematoden) |
6427 | 5386 | Entonem | Lebende Organismen (Nematoden) |
6861 | 5745 | Solbac-Tabs | Insektizid |
6862 | 5744 | Solbac | Insektizid |
7023 | 5925 | Novodor 3 FC | Insektizid |
7088 | 5978 | Nemaplus | Lebende Organismen (Nematoden) |
7241 | 6081 | Novodor 3 % FC | Insektizid |
7496 | 6449 | Cerall | Saatbeizmittel |
7498 | 6486 | Cedomon | Saatbeizmittel |
7650 | 6423 | Metarhizium Schweizer | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
7766 | 6882 | Agree WP | Insektizid |
7773 | 6472 | FZB 24 flüssig | Fungizid |
7773 | 6472 | FZB 24 flüssig | Phytoregulator |
7870 | 6552 | Delfin | Insektizid |
8007 | 6888 | XenTari WG | Insektizid |
8025 | 6919 | Botector | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8029 | 6881 | BioAct WG | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
8040 | 6777 | Dipel DF | Insektizid |
8119 | 6872 | Prestop | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8258 | 7151 | Amylo-X | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8296 | 6835 | Dipel DF | Insektizid |
8309 | 6847 | Lalstop K61 WP | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
8374 | 6912 | Deposan | Fungizid |
8374 | 6912 | Deposan | Lebende Organismen (Bakterien) |
8457 | 6929 | Proradix | Saatbeizmittel |
8519 | 6966 | XenTari WG | Insektizid |
8596 | 7253 | Serenade ASO | Bakterizid |
8596 | 7253 | Serenade ASO | Fungizid |
8926 | 7580 | Wormox | Insektizid |
8926 | 7580 | Wormox | Lebende Organismen (Bakterien) |
8946 | 7504 | Taegro | Fungizid |
8946 | 7504 | Taegro | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
9014 | 7259 | AQ 10 | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9019 | 7272 | Bio Buxus | Insektizid |
9020 | 7273 | Bio Raupen Stopp | Insektizid |
9049 | 7316 | Naturalis-L | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9052 | 7324 | Rotstop | Fungizid |
9052 | 7324 | Rotstop | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
9139 | 7574 | Capirel | Lebende Organismen (Nematoden) |
9173 | 7378 | Beauveria-Maschinenring | Insektizid |
9173 | 7378 | Beauveria-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9174 | 7379 | Metarhizium-Maschinenring | Insektizid |
9174 | 7379 | Metarhizium-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9384 | 7528 | Beauveria FL-Maschinenring | Insektizid |
9384 | 7528 | Beauveria FL-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9385 | 7529 | Metarhizium FL-Maschinenring | Insektizid |
9385 | 7529 | Metarhizium FL-Maschinenring | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9389 | 7477 | Melocont GR | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9390 | 7478 | GranMet GR | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |
9479 | 7498 | Lalstop Contans WG | Lebende Organismen (gegen Pilze) |
9481 | 7500 | Lalguard M52 GR | Insektizid |
9481 | 7500 | Lalguard M52 GR | Lebende Organismen (Pilze) |