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version 0.99.3

  • Risk mitigation measures sw_drift_dist, sw_runoff_dist, sw_runoff_points and biotope_drift_dist are now stored as integers in the obligations table.

version 0.99.2

  • R/srppp-xml.R: Revise the structure of the srppp_dm object, after verifying that the product sections of different products with the same P-Number are identical, with the exception of the permission holder. Therefore, all tables describing the products, including the use definitions, are now tied to the pNbrs table with the pNbr as the primary key, instead of the products table which has the wNbr as a primary key. Functions, example code, vignettes and tests were adapted accordingly.

version 0.99.1

  • vignettes/srppp.rmd: Add an overview vignette which is displayed with the link ‘Get started’ in the online documentation

version 0.3.4

  • Rename the package from ‘psmv’ to ‘srppp’

version 0.3.3

Format changes

  • Remove redundant information from the ingredients table by removing all W-Numbers containing a dash. P-Numbers were added to the ingredient table as well, so product compositions can more easily be obtained using the ingredients table. Finally remove W-Numbers from the ingredients table. As a consequence, products and ingredients must now be joined by ‘pNbr’, and the relationship is ‘many-to-many’, as a ‘pNbr’ can occur more than once in the products table.
  • The grouping of the products table by P-Numbers was removed, as it seemed not to be used anywhere and created spurious messages during constraint checking.