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Get Parallel Imports from an XML version of the Swiss Register of Plant Protection Products


srppp_xml_get_parallel_imports(srppp_xml = srppp_xml_get())



An object as returned by 'srppp_xml_get'


A tibble::tibble with a row for each parallel import section in the XML file.


# Get current list of parallel_imports
# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 760 × 9
#>    id     wNbr  name   admissionnumber producingCountryPrim…¹ exhaustionDeadline
#>    <chr>  <chr> <chr>  <chr>                            <int> <chr>             
#>  1 F-7056 1899  Life … 2159999                           6171 ""                
#>  2 I-2789 1899  Pirim… 4701                              6176 ""                
#>  3 B-5440 2054  Basam… 5675P/B                           6163 ""                
#>  4 F-3632 2054  Basam… 6800403                           6171 ""                
#>  5 I-6151 2054  Basam… 1573                              6176 ""                
#>  6 D-7450 2592  Metaza 006179-00/078                     6172 ""                
#>  7 F-2010 2671  Fluid… 5100219                           6171 ""                
#>  8 F-7271 2935  Polyr… 8700107                           6171 "2025-07-01"      
#>  9 I-7270 2935  Polyr… 7916                              6176 "2025-07-01"      
#> 10 I-5565 3002  Dazid… 012455                            6176 ""                
#> # ℹ 750 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​producingCountryPrimaryKey
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: soldoutDeadline <chr>, pNbr <int>,
#> #   permission_holder <int>
# }