Get Parallel Imports from an XML version of the Swiss Register of Plant Protection Products
Get Parallel Imports from an XML version of the Swiss Register of Plant Protection Products
srppp_xml_get_parallel_imports(srppp_xml = srppp_xml_get())
A tibble::tibble with a row for each parallel import section in the XML file.
# Get current list of parallel_imports
# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 760 × 9
#> id wNbr name admissionnumber producingCountryPrim…¹ exhaustionDeadline
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 F-7056 1899 Life … 2159999 6171 ""
#> 2 I-2789 1899 Pirim… 4701 6176 ""
#> 3 B-5440 2054 Basam… 5675P/B 6163 ""
#> 4 F-3632 2054 Basam… 6800403 6171 ""
#> 5 I-6151 2054 Basam… 1573 6176 ""
#> 6 D-7450 2592 Metaza 006179-00/078 6172 ""
#> 7 F-2010 2671 Fluid… 5100219 6171 ""
#> 8 F-7271 2935 Polyr… 8700107 6171 "2025-07-01"
#> 9 I-7270 2935 Polyr… 7916 6176 "2025-07-01"
#> 10 I-5565 3002 Dazid… 012455 6176 ""
#> # ℹ 750 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹producingCountryPrimaryKey
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: soldoutDeadline <chr>, pNbr <int>,
#> # permission_holder <int>
# }