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Get Products from an XML version of the Swiss Register of Plant Protection Products


  srppp_xml = srppp_xml_get(),
  verbose = TRUE,
  remove_duplicates = TRUE



An object as returned by 'srppp_xml_get'


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Should duplicates based on wNbrs be removed? If set to 'TRUE', one of the two entries with identical wNbrs is removed, based on an investigation of background information carried out by the package authors. In all cases except for one, one of the product sections with duplicate wNbrs has information about an expiry of the registration, and the other doesn't. In these cases the registration without expiry is kept, and the expiring registration is discarded. In the remaining case (wNbr 5945), the second entry is selected, as it contains more indications which were apparently intended to be published as well.


A tibble::tibble with a row for each product section in the XML file. An attribute 'duplicated_wNbrs' is also returned, containing duplicated W-Numbers, if applicable, or NULL.


# Get current list of products
#> # A tibble: 1,716 × 8
#>     pNbr wNbr   name         exhaustionDeadline soldoutDeadline isSalePermission
#>    <int> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>              <chr>           <lgl>           
#>  1    38 18     Thiovit Jet  ""                 ""              FALSE           
#>  2    38 18-1   Sufralo      ""                 ""              TRUE            
#>  3    38 18-2   Capito Bio-… ""                 ""              TRUE            
#>  4    38 18-3   Sanoplant S… ""                 ""              TRUE            
#>  5    38 18-4   Biorga Cont… ""                 ""              TRUE            
#>  6  1182 923    Divopan      ""                 ""              FALSE           
#>  7  1192 934    Trifolin     ""                 ""              FALSE           
#>  8  1263 986    Elosal Supra ""                 ""              FALSE           
#>  9  1865 1454   Misto 12     ""                 ""              FALSE           
#> 10  1865 1454-2 Parafol      ""                 ""              TRUE            
#> # ℹ 1,706 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: terminationReason <chr>, permission_holder <int>