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Get substances from an XML version of the Swiss Register of Plant Protection Products


srppp_xml_get_substances(srppp_xml = srppp_xml_get())



An object as returned by 'srppp_xml_get'


#> # A tibble: 440 × 7
#>       pk iupac  substance_de substance_fr substance_it substance_en substance_lt
#>    <int> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>        <chr>        <chr>        <chr>       
#>  1     3 1-nap… 1-Naphthyla… 1-naphtyl a… Acido 1-naf… ""           ""          
#>  2     4 (2,4-… 2,4-D        2,4-D        2,4-D        ""           ""          
#>  3     8 averm… Abamectin    abamectine   Abamectina   ""           ""          
#>  4    13 2-chl… Aclonifen    aclonifène   Aclonifen    ""           ""          
#>  5    26 1-(4,… Amidosulfur… amidosulfur… Amidosulfur… ""           ""          
#>  6    35 methy… Asulam       asulame      Asulame      ""           ""          
#>  7    50 3-iso… Bentazon     bentazone    Bentazone    ""           ""          
#>  8    71 5-but… Bupirimate   bupirimate   Bupirimate   ""           ""          
#>  9    72 2-ter… Buprofezin   buprofézine  Buprofezin   ""           ""          
#> 10    79 N-(tr… Captan       captan       Captano      ""           ""          
#> # ℹ 430 more rows