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Get uses ('indications') for all products described in an XML version of the Swiss Register of Plant Protection Products


srppp_xml_get_uses(srppp_xml = srppp_xml_get())



An object as returned by srppp_xml_get with use numbers defined by srppp_xml_define_use_numbers


A tibble::tibble of use definitions


# \donttest{
srppp_xml <- srppp_xml_get()
srppp_xml <- srppp_xml_define_use_numbers(srppp_xml)
#> # A tibble: 7,891 × 17
#>    wNbr  use_nr min_dosage max_dosage min_rate max_rate units_pk units_de
#>    <chr>  <int>      <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <int> <chr>   
#>  1 1454       1        2           NA       32       NA     6517 l/ha    
#>  2 1454       2        2           NA       32       NA     6517 l/ha    
#>  3 1454       3        2           NA        7       NA     6517 l/ha    
#>  4 1454       4        1           NA       16       NA     6517 l/ha    
#>  5 1454       5        1           NA       16       NA     6517 l/ha    
#>  6 1454       6        3.5         NA       NA       NA        1 NA      
#>  7 1454       7        3.5         NA       56       NA     6517 l/ha    
#>  8 1454       8        3.5         NA       56       NA     6517 l/ha    
#>  9 1454       9        3.5         NA       56       NA     6517 l/ha    
#> 10 1454      10        3.5         NA       35       NA     6517 l/ha    
#> # ℹ 7,881 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: units_fr <chr>, units_it <chr>, units_en <chr>,
#> #   waiting_period <int>, time_units_pk <int>, time_units_de <chr>,
#> #   time_units_fr <chr>, time_units_it <chr>, time_units_en <chr>
# }