Get uses ('indications') for all products described in an XML version of the Swiss Register of Plant Protection Products
Get uses ('indications') for all products described in an XML version of the Swiss Register of Plant Protection Products
srppp_xml_get_uses(srppp_xml = srppp_xml_get())
- srppp_xml
An object as returned by srppp_xml_get with use numbers defined by srppp_xml_define_use_numbers
A tibble::tibble of use definitions
# \donttest{
srppp_xml <- srppp_xml_get()
srppp_xml <- srppp_xml_define_use_numbers(srppp_xml)
#> # A tibble: 7,891 × 17
#> wNbr use_nr min_dosage max_dosage min_rate max_rate units_pk units_de
#> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr>
#> 1 1454 1 2 NA 32 NA 6517 l/ha
#> 2 1454 2 2 NA 32 NA 6517 l/ha
#> 3 1454 3 2 NA 7 NA 6517 l/ha
#> 4 1454 4 1 NA 16 NA 6517 l/ha
#> 5 1454 5 1 NA 16 NA 6517 l/ha
#> 6 1454 6 3.5 NA NA NA 1 NA
#> 7 1454 7 3.5 NA 56 NA 6517 l/ha
#> 8 1454 8 3.5 NA 56 NA 6517 l/ha
#> 9 1454 9 3.5 NA 56 NA 6517 l/ha
#> 10 1454 10 3.5 NA 35 NA 6517 l/ha
#> # ℹ 7,881 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: units_fr <chr>, units_it <chr>, units_en <chr>,
#> # waiting_period <int>, time_units_pk <int>, time_units_de <chr>,
#> # time_units_fr <chr>, time_units_it <chr>, time_units_en <chr>
# }